Wednesday 13 May 2015

ICFECI Computer Forensic Analyst Brings Hope for the Accused

Life as a one time Certified Fraud examiner for the Office of the Federal Public Defender, Northern District of Texas, brought Dan James into close contact with people involved in legal proceedings. Of all these people, the plight of the accused went straight to Dan’s heart and aroused in him a desire to fight on their behalf and help them with their rights. The law does state that an accused is innocent until proved guilty but law enforcement agencies and officials do their best to browbeat and obtain statements that could be quite damaging. Dan went on to found ICFECI to offer expert investigative services to represent defendants, especially in reference to Title 18, Section 3006A of the United States Code.

One of Dan’s specialties and expertise is his qualifications and experience as a computer forensic analyst. In this role he helps accused (rightly or wrongly) accused of a crime but innocent until so proven by the law. People often become victims of the law, accused of a cyber crime and it would be quite difficult for a prosecution to prove its case or for the accused to prove his innocence without expert forensic analysis of the evidence. Dan of ICFECI brings his expertise and knowledge of computer forensics to the aid of defendants.  Having once worked with the prosecution he knows how they work and all that is required by way of a proper defense mechanism that will help the defendant’s case. Once ICFECI takes on a case Dan and his team go to work with litigation support. They uncover evidence, interview and tape witnesses in a way that the testimony will stand in court and also conduct investigations to find holes in the evidence and case against the accused. As a one time Vietnam vet and a marine, Dan believes you do not kick a man who is down but lend him a helping hand.

ICFECI does not function as legal counsel but works hand in glove with lawyers representing the accused. One notable case is that of Mr Maley who was accused of wire fraud. Dan’s work in uncovering evidence, examining the prosecution’s witnesses and proofs and doing lots more helped Mr Maley’s lawyer contest the case and get him acquitted. This is but one case of hundreds where ICFECI played a crucial role to give defendants hope and confidence in a seemingly dark situation.  It is not easy in ordinary cases where there is hard evidence and witnesses. When it comes to cyber crime where digital evidence can make a crucial difference, Dan’s expertise as computer forensic analyst comes to the fore. ICFECI has a fully equipped forensics lab where hard drives, computer systems and even mobile devices can be examined safely, all data copied and mirrored without the slightest change being made during the process and then analyzed in order to uncover proof of innocence and help the defendant’s lawyer fight on the basis of solid, positive evidence. Dan is also an expert in taking the witness stand and stating facts concisely and in a way to impress the jury and judge.  If he is convincing it is because of his deep commitment to help wrongly accused stand up for their rights and go scot free.