Sunday 29 March 2020

Certified Cell Phone Examiner by ICFECI

If a crime, civil or criminal, is committed, there is likelihood of a cell phone being involved at some point. ICFECI, with its expertise in cell phone forensics, has the resources, expertise and equipment to extract data and interpret it for the purposes of being used as evidence. For More Details:

Wednesday 25 March 2020

6 Types of Digital Forensics That Can Help Solve Your Case

Digital or cyber forensics are changing the way that crimes are solved. In crimes related to a computer or similar electronic device, digital forensics can also be used in a court of law. But it's not only the police force who use digital forensics. If you hire a private investigator in Texas they can help answer your questions using some of the latest technology.

Here are six different types of digital forensics you need to know about it.

Computer forensics

this is the recovery of material and information found on a computing device such as a desktop PC, laptop and any of its internal storage components such as hard drives where information can be collected as evidence.

Mobile device forensics

Similar to computer forensics, this is applied to the storage media used by mobile devices such as phones or tablets – typically via SIM cards or GPS. This can often be crossed over with computer forensics due to the similar approach.

Networking forensics

This is the analysis and retrieval of information over a networking server. This is applicable to locating sources of cyber-attacks and other malicious transferrals over a network that can potentially be collected as evidence for crimes.

Memory forensics

This is the live analysis and recovery of information and data operating on the system’s memory (RAM). This is useful when there is information present in a system’s volatile data that isn’t easily found on storage media.

Video and audio forensics

This is the analysis of digital audio or video recordings. This is carried out to determine legitimacy of the recording to determine whether or not it has been edited or modified – which then determines its potential for use in court.

Image forensics

Similar to video and audio forensics, the metadata of images are analysed in order to determine the legitimacy and locate a source for it.

Friday 20 March 2020

Stay Away From Health Care Fraud Investigation

Today, health care fraud is the headache of an entire world. It's no secret that healthcare fraud accounts for an estimated 100 billion dollars a year in the United States alone, and it's increasingly a reason that health care costs continue to rise.